More stuff from my desk. Looking at it, I'm a little amazed by how everything I've surrounded myself with has an association with someone.
- The gargoyle is half of a set of bookends. The second half of which lives somewhere in the wilds of Arizona with my very first real boyfriend. It has had a place on every desk I've ever had since then. We actually talked recently, and he still has his half, too. :)
- The pencil-holder was a gift from Gary, who I worked with at Cliffs Notes, my first job out of college. It also reminds me of the home place.
- The ruler was a gift someone brought me back from Pennsic.
- The colored pens--well, they're for my making my job easier, sillier, and more fun, but the tie-dye pencil was a gift from my R&L coworkers.
- The Quick Review is one that I worked on with Michele (my first boss) that's about writing.
- The Bawls bottle I love almost purely for itself. It's funny, it's textured, but it also reminds me of morning breaks with Mike and the UNP crew.
- And, of course, the Man of Steel needs no introduction.
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