Rivkah and I camped together, and I think I freaked her out a bit because I wanted to leave the doors to my tent open at night. It gets a *little* cooler at night at Lilies, and sometimes there are storms that warrant tying the tent closed tight, but I love to lay in the tent and look out at the water while a little breeze blows through. Sometimes you can see the stars, and even I sometimes watch the sky go from dark to gray to pink. *sigh*
I have a "tradition" as I'm driving up to Lilies that I started a *long* time ago of playing SCA songs when I make the last turn off of the interstate until I get to site. I was having some trouble getting excited about Lilies this year, but as I got closer and closer to site, I got more and more excited (and drove a little faster, as those who were in my car with me can attest). Even though there are always hot hot *hot* miserable days at Lilies, I always want to go back and wish I were there.
[Ed: I was at Lilies from Thursday night (6/14) until Sunday afternoon (6/17). I made a choice not to carry my phone around and take pictures, so all of these were taken on day 3. Though they are of things/pictures that I saw/framed in my head the other days, they technically break my "picture taken on the day" rule.]
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