Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Getting Sirius

This is Sirius Black dog. Diane (who fostered him) isn't holding him in place, she's petting him to try and get him to hold still and look pretty for a photo.
This is "down" (which comes after sit).
And this is for size...
(That's Betty, she runs the shelter, and she's a pretty tall lady.)

A few other action shots.
(Animal photos are hard! They never hold still.)

After a treat, on the way to "sit," and getting a treat.

A few more photos of him are available here, at least for the moment. :)

This is technically a cheat, cuz I took these last night... :) So, here's a couple from today. They apparently weren't finished with the Russian Olive I photographed yesterday, cuz it's completely down now. :(


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What a cutie! He looks like the perfect dog for you! Make sure to get some obedience classes to teach you how to "speak dog". Emma loved classes and it was such a great bonding time.

    Make sure to drive out here sometime soon and bring him so all the dogs can romp!


  3. He's beautiful! What a sweet and smart face! Congrats on the new addition to your family. :-)

    Love ya,
