Thursday, February 1, 2007

What I See...

Here's an unposed grouping of stuffage from my desk:
  • My monkey that the Baron of Caer Galen gave me so I'd never be lonely in the wilds of Kansas.
  • Shells from Jeanne-Marie's first trip to the ocean that she brought back to me all the way from North Carolina. I rub the front one when I'm stressed.
  • My Wash duck, a gift from Spike, which became all the more poignant after Serenity.
  • A buckeye from a bliss-filled afternoon in the Loveland sculpture garden with some of my favorite people.
  • A pretty rock that another friend handed me once while we were in the midst of a particularly intense conversation.
  • The coaster that one of my favorite authors ever (Deepa) brought me from Auroville, India.
  • My pink pen that's waiting for me to edit something.
  • And the pink and purple ribbons that we wore today for Vicki's funeral, even though she would probably have laughed at us for doing so.
A first glimpse...

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