Monday, December 31, 2007

Pink Cartoon Guts

The traditional New Year's Piñata gutting... The photos of the actual smacking were too dark to see anything, but here's Luther removing the pink piñata innards...
Note that we all spent a few minutes getting coated and mittened up before going out into the frozen night.
And, the last sunset of 2007:

Sunday, December 30, 2007

"Hello, Little Girl"

During piñata shopping, we played with the hats... On the prowl (above), and a very special Miss Liberty...
And here's Sirius enjoying the cushy surroundings:

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Lincoln Does NOT Suck!

Went to a Des Moines Buccaneer game on Saturday night, bought the tickets and were on our way before I knew that they were playing the Lincoln Stars (one of the few hockey teams I'd already seen play live). :) The Stars pulled it out (4-1), and we had a great time!
Gotta love the zamboni...

Friday, December 28, 2007

Zombies and Other Scary Creatures

Made the annual pilgrimage to Des Moines for New Year's. Played a bunch of games, and have a couple of new favorites. This is a set up for Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations. Another favorite was Betrayal at the House on the Hill. (Caution: This game may cause you to stay up until 5 a.m. without realizing it.)

[Ed.: Took around 30 pictures of the festivities/reindeer games/pony rides this past weekend, not really sure which day was what. I'm attempting to get it right, but getting more up is more important than the right order--at least one of these was taken on each day.]

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Not Chinless or Mindless

Kyle shaved off his beard, so I thought I'd document it.
Isolda seems to like it:

And here's my snow-loving puppy in the park:

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Watery Sunrise?

The sun looks very strange this morning. Kinda looks like there's a body of water in the sky for it to rise out of...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Heading Home...

The bridge over the Mississippi getting to Quincy is pretty, and it's even better at sunset.

And here's Sirius (with my finger) listening intently:

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Looks Like Home

All the shoes by the door...
Parker got Sirius's pelican and was *very* proud of himself.

One of the themes for gifts this year was new jammies. Mom made some for all of us. Nick's were very special Star Wars jammies:

And Dad went GQ in his (also new Husker slippers)...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Wii Extravaganza

My nephews got a Wii for Christmas and the entire family got in on the act. This is Max demonstrating his bowling form. Nick shows off.

And this is Ethan's special winning "technique."
Here's Tom.
And golf was Dad's game...

Friday, December 21, 2007

Lights on the Plaza

The lights in town square in Quincy as I passed.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

My Holiday Begins

A package arrived today from Jeanne Marie full of love, gorgeous weaving, and smelly soap... :o)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Not a Bad Night's Work

My contribution to football watching this holiday... :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Welcome to Who-ville...

Our decorating scheme.
My coworkers are special...
and they have such cute button noses, too...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Finally Sunshine!

When the sun finally came out this morning, our entire staff went outside to bow before the bringer of light and happiness and listen as the ice fell in chunks from the powerlines. :) Then I took some photos. :)
A sparkling bush.
Luminous ice...