Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Eggs on Parade

The Mother Earth News staff came to Halloween dressed as "eggs"--some of them were "free range" (or de-ranged, or deviled), and some were "caged." (They just did a big story on the relative health value of such eggs.) Here they are in "carton" formation.

"Breaking" formation.
But I really think they were funnier just waddling around.
Egg traffic jams...
Eggs walking off into the sunset...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Getting Colder...

And you can tell because Lex spends more and more time sitting in front of the heating vents...

She will actually be sitting on my lap, hear the furnace kick in, and run to sit in front of this vent. :) No, I am not buying her a sweater...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Grit Moved

Our new digs...
After a day of settling in...
My computer, and the door...

Sunday, October 28, 2007


This is Lex's new water thing... It was on sale for half off... I'm still not really sure about it...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Boo at the Zoooooo

My favorite costume of the day (imagine him waddling)...

Jacque, Conner, and the gorilla
A moment of repose
Since he did it, I documented it...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Spinning with Jacque

New indoor fighter practice site for the Shire Championship.

Jacque was spinning...

Falling down...
And then running away. :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Llama Llama Duck

This is a set of llama fiber that I got that has pretty much every color of llama represented, and I couldn't resist adding my Wash Duck to the mix. (I'm writing a story about llamas and alpacas--this song goes through my head way too much--thank you Avalon.) :o)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tomorrow Bright Before Us

I've always loved this sculpture, "Flame" by Lin Emery.

It lives in front of the Lawrence City Hall.
According to the artist, it was "inspired" by a quote from Langston Hughes (a Lawrence-ite),

"We have tomorrow
Bright before us
Like a flame."

Plus, it's just plain photogenic. Especially with a perfectly clear blue fall sky behind it.
It moves in the wind, and I got a bunch of shots of it to show some of the movement.

From some angles, it looks more like some kind of insect... :)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Know Anyone Who Needs This?

Work conference today. Spent time in a conference room at the hotel, a bookstore, and the Free State Brewery, where these ghostly pumpkins reside:

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Gojira Attacks the Castle

Run, wolf-headed warrior princess, run!!!

Look out Duck, Kora's helping...

Una displays Urban Mom Cool...

Kora ummm....

And, well, this is Aidon and ...
some women's underwear...

Friday, October 19, 2007

Big Hands, Large ... Gloves

Kyle's handprints on my kitchen counter.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Spoiled Kitten...

Someone was making fun of the fact that my cat has a heated bed. As a Cornish Rex, she has less hair, and her normal body temp is 2 degrees higher than a normal cat. I think she pretty much hates winter. She spends all her time looking for whatever heat that she can. At my new place there's a vent that blows out of the utility closet. When the heat is on, she lays right in front of it. Once, in a fit of guilt about not heating my apartment to tropical temperatures for her, I bought her this bed. She sits in it so funny sometimes.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Alpaca Rainbow

Three colors of alpaca fiber, not quite a rainbow, but... :)I so LOVE this reddish-brown. Yummmmm...